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Senin, 13 Juni 2011


Cipayung, 12 – 13 May 2011


We believe the children are our future

Teach them well and let them lead the way

Show them all the beauty they possess inside

Give them a sense of pride to make it easier….

That’s a part of a song, sung by Whitney Houston. That is one of my favourite songs.That song is very inspiring and gives me spirit to guide the children and young people. That was also the spirit that made me say : “YES, I will join this program”, to the Lions Club invitation. Lions Club invited me to join their program named : Lions Quest. The goal of this program is to help young people develop their self-confidence, build their strength for a safe and healthy approach of life, free from the harm of drug abuse and violence. It will be given by Ms Frances Portillo from the USA. When I heard about this program I spontaneously said :”Wow, that’s me. I will join the program!”.

The training was held in Pondok Remaja Cipayung Bogor. I joined the second group (May 12-13). I met Ms Roslina from St. Aloysius Bandung there. I was very surprised to meet the participants of the schools which I never heard them before, like SDN Cikarang, Pa Hoa, SMPN Tambun, and so on. So, there were only 3 schools from Bandung participating in this program. The training itself was given in English.

When somebody asks me about what materials I got in the training? I can’t answer it certainly, but if they ask me “What did you get?” I can answer it confidently :” THE SPIRIT”. Yes, the spirit to guide the children and young people growing up. No theory, no materials. For 2 full days Ms. Frances invited us to pull out our spirit for loving and caring children and young people. The spirit for loving our students is : having passion for them so that we (teachers) will give and serve our children the best. We went home bringing a workshop guiding book, the SPIRIT and commitment to spread the Lions Quest program to our friends at school. So we can walk hand in hand to guide the children and young people growing up.

This program is one of Lions Club’s programs which has already held in 50 countries. It is the first for Indonesia. So everyone called just wait for the next Lions Quest training program. Hopefully it can be given in Indonesian Language.


CAD Prastyaningsih
Counsellor  of Slamet Riyadi School, Kb. Kangkung,Bandung

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011




by:  Murnijati
(Head Master of  St. Maria 1 Senior High School,Bandung)


Iin turn, expanining our ideas about youth As a teacher, I have always been interested in everything dealing with education. The issue of education which is often discussed today is character building or character development. However, honestly, I had no clear description about what it is and how to implement this in my school. Character development is a matter of behavior, values and life skills, which I know, are not easy to deal with, moreover those of teenagers in big cities. But, thanks God, I was then introduced to the LIONS QUEST Workshop, a Lions Club’s Program in education. This workshop lasted for two days, 12 – 13 May 2011, in Cipayung, Bogor, attended by around 23 participants consisting of teachers from various subject backgrounds, principals, as well as social workers. The goal of the workshop is to prepare us to help, guide, and support the positive development of youth so that we or the school community can best support the development of capable, healthy, and caring young people with strong character and desire to serve.

From this workshop, I got not only the understanding about the important life skills and character development for young people, but I also learned how to implement them in my school since all participants were really involved in some model classroom activities. The activities simulated through the workshops were really practical. The curriculum or materials of the program are graded in such a way that they are applicable for students of primary to secondary education. We are just to adapt them with the condition of our schools or students.

with participants  from SMP St. Maria Cirebon and SMPN 25 Jakbar I saw and felt that every single activity done in each session give me enlightenment; from grouping students or children, various energetic dynamic classroom activities and how to manage them, delivering materials and assignments, drug information guide, to conducting parent meeting. The participants got two advantages at the same time; learning the materials of the program as well as learning how to implement them in class, schools, or even in the community outside the schools. I also learned a lot from Ms. Frances Portillo as a trainer and a teacher. She was really professional. She was very friendly, attentive, energetic, but she was firm as well. She made the whole sessions of the training exciting. What an ideal model of a teacher!

One more thing. I was really amazed to see how teachers from other schools speak English. They are kindergarten teachers to principals of secondary schools, and they are not English Department graduates! I would like to invite all teachers to see how teachers from other school have make progress so that they have great self confidence and keep ‘survive’ as ‘up to date’ teachers. If they can make it, then we can, too. Even we can do better than them.

Finally I would like to say that the program I attended is inspiring and encouraging me to do my best for the youth of my people start from my own school community.


Bandung, June 1 2011